and why we do it!
All HeartReach services are offered FREE OF CHARGE without regard to age, race, creed, or socioeconomic standing.
HeartReach Center meets many needs in our community, and each service we provide exists to intentionally engage in one of three key areas: prevention, intervention, and ongoing support.

STI/D Awareness
Step Up Now to Healthy Relationships (SUN) is an interactive presentation for teens and young adults. Our goal is to empower Alaskan youth to make healthy choices through data driven models and positive self identity. SUN presents the risks of STI and STDs yet shifts the focus from the problem to the solution: healthy boundaries and strong self worth. Learn more Step Up Now.
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention
Darkness to Light is a leader in child sexual abuse prevention; advocacy for behavioral impact, education and training, and research. HeartReach is proud to offered this course. Our work empowers adults and organizations to bring best-practices in child safety to their own communities. Learn more about Darkness to Light

Pregnancy Testing
HeartReach Center offers FREE and confidential pregnancy testing and options counseling in our center and in our Mobile Medical Unit.
We utilize medical-grade, hCG urine pregnancy testing and offer pregnancy verification for those who need proof to apply for Denali Kid Care.
We make every effort to involve fathers and extended family whenever possible.
Limited Obstetric Ultrasound
HeartReach Center offers limited obstetric ultrasounds to confirm pregnancy viability. Our scans are performed by trained sonographers, over seen by the Nurse Manager and confirmed by the Medical Director. Limited Obstetric Ultrasounds confirm whether or not the embryo correctly implanted in the uterus, if a fetal heartbeat can be detected, and the gestational age of the baby.
After a pregnancy test and ultrasound, all HRC clients are referred to a medical practitioner or midwifery to continue obstetric care.
Testing and Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections
HeartReach Center offers confidential testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections and diseases, from licensed medical professionals.
Alaska consistently rates the highest in the nation for STIs per capita. By offering these services, we can provide relevant and necessary care to the women and men of our community.
1-1 Mentoring
For Women and Men
HeartReach Center's Embracing Parenthood and the Fatherhood Program include a wide variety of classes that help dads, moms, and guardians learn skills they need to thrive in their role as parents. Clients also earn points that transfer into parent bucks redeemable at our Market and those that participate throughout their pregnancy qualify to receive a brand new car seat, crib, and baby shower gift.
Abortion Pill Reversal
We know that an unplanned pregnancy can be scary and many women make decisions to abort when they are terrified and stressed. We also know that after some time, many women change their minds about a chemical abortion. We offer the Abortion Pill Reversal protocol to help these women increase their chances of continuing their pregnancy. Learn more about the Abortion Pill Reversal.
HeartReach offers continuing education and support for parents and guardians of children over the age of 5 yrs old. Classes such as Parenting with Love and Logic and Parenting on Purpose are typically offered throughout the year as space allows.
Statistically, 1 in 4 women in the U.S. will have at least one abortion by age 45. Most women (and men) go into an abortion decision without any understanding of the emotional, spiritual, and physical ramifications it can cause. HeartReach is uniquely equipped to come alongside anyone who desires healing and freedom from a past abortion decision. Please contact us if you'd like more information.
Every woman handles miscarriage differently, and there is no right or wrong way to react to pregnancy loss. We want to be a tangible resource to women and men who need pregnancy answers or support. If you would like more information on our services or how you can help, please contact us.